After living through the Northridge and Landers and Loma Prieta and various other California quakes in the 80s and 90s, I still have a spare pair of “earthquake” sneakers in my car even after moving to Arizona...

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Thank you, Amie, for reading and commenting! I appreciate you sharing your experiences. Arizona, being a volcanic state, still gets quakes now and then. Chino Valley had a 3.8 last week, and the entire county was "a-buzz" talking about it. LOL!

My experiences:

Sylmar (had to evacuate because of the damage to the Van Norman dam), Whittier, Northridge (I ended up homeless after that one). After the Northridge quake, I immediately moved to Metro Phoenix. For many months, I felt PTSD whenever I walked into a store.

It took me over 6 months before I would walk into a Costco in Arizona.

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Yep. I know what you are talking about, Jenise. It has been mostly quiet here in Santa Cruz, since 1989. That's 34 years since "the big one".. It was bad, but then some states have tornadoes and hurricanes every year. I am as prepared as one can be, I think. Thanks for the reminder.

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Sharron, thanks for stopping by to read and leave a comment. Love it!

One of my best friend's sister lives in Aptos. The 1989 quake was very scary.

Glad you're prepared.

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