At thirteen, her parents were too strict. Or, so she thought. One night, when her father left the TV room to go take a leak, she knew she’d be safe for she’d hear the door open. She sat in her dad’s chair, took a gulp of his Coors, and a quick drag on his cigarette. She stood up and walked toward the kitchen.
She felt a presence.
She turned around.
Her father stared at her and frowned.
Their eyes locked. She froze, unable to move.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell your mother. But, don’t do that again.”
She never did.
© Copyright 2023—Present, Jenise Cook, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Published: 10 March 2023, Friday Flash Fiction
About this Story
I will neither confirm nor deny that this fiction story may be based on a real life event. 😂🤣😂
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Good dad. Good story, Jenise! I am glad I am finally finding the time to sit down and go through your archive. Very entertaining, thank you.
Confirm or deny, mm-hmm!