Will Derness hitched his backpack off his weary shoulders and faced the setting sun. His feet ached in his boots from hiking since sunrise.
They had pinged his cell phone. Police had found the body. There’s no going back.
He stepped off the cliff’s edge and fell into the wilderness.
About this Story
“Wilderness” is today’s word prompt for Justin Deming’s Fifties by the Fire. He provides a place for us fans of 50-word stories to promote and share beloved tiny tales as authors and readers.
For my submission, I stared at the blank screen on my computer’s monitor and began typing the word “wilderness”. Immediately, my weird sense of humor changed that word to the proper name, Will Derness, and I laughed.
What a strange name, I thought.
But after an internet search I found a few fellows with that name, especially on IG. I also found a long list using that name on FB.
Okay, so I wasn’t original.
Fifties by the Fire requires us to use the actual prompt word. What a delightful surprise to me that as the story wrote itself, it placed the prompt word at the end. The story begins and ends with the prompt word.
Sort of.
I confess that I gasped when the writing muse chose for the perpetrator to exact his own justice.
But that’s what 50-word stories are meant to have: a twist at the end, right?
Your Turn
Hey, thanks for reading! Share your thoughts about this tiny story in the Comments:
I love that you created a character out of the word, wilderness. I thought that was very clever and creative! 😄
Good story, I put mine in the comment box of the challenge page. I managed to make it the last word also!